Following the beginner series Easy Steps in Arabic, Access to Qur'anic Arabic aids the advanced or adult student in learning the language of the Qur'an. An integrated set of books that cover the basic grammar and structure of Arabic using only Qur'anic words and examples throughout; the books are only available as a set. Based on the premise that most non-Arabs learn the Arabic language primarily to enable their reading of the Qur'an, the author has developed these highly useful and easy to follow guidebooks and accompanying audiotapes. Audiotapes contain the full recording of the selections from the Qur'an. Attractively packaged and very well produced. It is necessary to be able to read Arabic script in order to be able to use this set. Access to Qur'anic Arabic (Textbook, Workbook, Selections)
Access to Qur'anic Arabic – Textbook
The “Textbook” covers the basic grammar and structure of Arabic using Qur'anic words, phrases and sentences throughout. It is also based on the principle of word frequency in the Qur'an. It uses three Word Lists - with words occurring over 100 times, between 50 and 100 times and between 25 and 49 times in the Qur'an. This approach has two benefits. Users will not be burdened with a very large vocabulary from the outset, and with non-Qur'anic vocabulary. By mastering the select vocabulary, they will be able to understand much and quickly. The page layout and design of the book should make it easy to follow.
Access to Qur'anic Arabic - Workbook
This Workbook has stimulating exercises for each of the 40 Units of the Textbook and gives much-needed practice in grammar, structure and meaning. Again, only vocabulary and actual sentences from the Qur'an are used in the Workbook. At an early stage, students are also introduced to un-vowelled Arabic text which can only be read accurately with a good knowledge of Arabic grammar and structure.
Access to Qur'anic Arabic – Selections
This book of annotated Selections from the Qur'an has passages that feature the select vocabulary and illustrate points of grammar, structure and style covered in the Textbook with some additional material included. The 110 selections are presented with parallel translations, notes and vocabulary in an attractive and easy to use format. A special feature of the Selections book is the combined Vocabulary List of words occurring over 25 times in the Qur’an. Each of the 110 Selections is recorded on two audio cassettes or two CDs. In the CDs, each Unit is on a separate track.
Or buy individually:
Access to Qur'anic Arabic Textbook
Access to Qur'anic Arabic Workbook