The teacher's guide is designed to help the teacher to perform his job properly and effectively. This guide with activity book and student’s textbook considers as one unit. It provides the teacher with a set of techniques and procedures to follow while teaching the lesson.
The book contains the techniques and procedures for: conversation activity, expression and terms activity- that there are 220 expression and terms-, communication activity, grammatical activity-that there are 60 grammatical synthesis, objectives activity, audio-visual activity, exercises and additional activities.
Different methods include:
- Conversation exercises
- Pronunciation and expressions exercises (this book includes 220 phrases and expressions)
- Communication exercises
- Grammatical structures exercises (this book includes 60 grammatical structures).
- Phonetic exercises
- Listening exercises
- Reading exercises
- Thinking exercises
- Writing exercises
- Fun exercises
At the beginning of each lesson there is an overview of basic behavioral procedure goals to be maintained by the teacher in the classroom including linguistic, functional, and cultural goals.
Teaching Aids and Materials:
Additional suggested materials help teachers processing these lessons. Lessons include different teaching materials, such as:
- Student book
- Audio Tapes
- Flash cards “The flashcards are included on the CD-ROM.”
- Real objects
- Papers and pencils.
The Teacher’s book includes key answers for all of the exercises in the student book, excluding communication exercises. In such cases, teachers can find a template for reference.
Extra activities
Extra activities come at the end of the fourth lesson from each unit. These activities include:
- Holy Qur'an
- Prophethood Hadeeth
- Nasheed (chanting).
At the end of each unit, students are encouraged to practice exercises found in the workbook. The aim of these exercises is to reinforce materials learned in the textbook.
The enclosed CD:
The enclosed CD can run on Windows XP using either RealPlayer or Windows Media Player. On Windows Vista, the CD can only run using RealPlayer.
System Requirements for CD-ROM:
- Windows 2000, XP, or Vista
وحدات الكتاب ودروسه:
تتكون هذه السلسلة مِن سِتَّةِ أَقسامٍ. تُدْرَسُ الأَقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الأولى في الفَصلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الأوَّل، والأقسامُ الثَّلاثةُ الباقِيةُ في الفصْلِ الدِّراسِيِّ الثَّاني.
يَشتمِلُ كُلُّ قسمٍ على أَرْبَعِ وَحدَاتٍ، الوَحْدَةُ الرَّابِعةُ مِنها مُخَصَّصةٌ للمُراجَعَة، وتَحتوي كُلُّ وَحْدَةٍ عَلى ثَلاثَةِ دُروسٍ، أمَّا وَحداتُ المُراجَعَة السِّتُّ فتَحتوي كُلٌّ مِنها على دَرْسَيْنِ اثْنَيْن؛ وبذلك يَضُمُّ الكِتابُ (24) وَحْدَةً تَعليميَّةً (مِنها 6 للمُراجَعَة)، و(66) دَرْسًا.
تصميم الوحدة التعليمية:
تَرتكِزُ كُلُّ وَحدَةٍ مِن وَحدات كِتاب التِّلْميذِ عَلى نَصٍّ سَرديٍّ، أو قِصَّةٍ، أو حِوارٍ؛ يُعَدُّ الـمِحوَر الَّذي تَنبثِقُ مِنه جَميعُ الأَنشطةِ اللُّغَويَّةِ، وهيَ تَتَكوَّنُ مِن ثلاثَةِ درُوس ٍفي سِتِّ صَفحاتٍ.
أَمَّا الوَحْدَةُ الخاصَّةُ بالـمُراجَعَةِ، فَتَتَكوَّنُ مِن دَرْسَيْن في أَرْبَعِ صَفَحاتٍ الدَّرْسُ الأوَّل يَتَناولُ الـمَوضوعاتِ والنَّحْوَ.
كل مستوى يحتوي على : كتابي تلميذ – كتابي نشاط (1-6) – دليل المعلم.